This odd weather we’re having lately has me at the grill for one meal and filling the slow-cooker for another. Here in California, I can use each all year - the slow cooker brings a fallish-indoor-homey feeling, while the grill leads to a summerish-outdoor-active tone. Today finds me doing both.
As I write today, I have my crock pot filled with beef, potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic. I braise and season everything before placing it in my crock. Then, I deglaze the pan with a splash of red wine, balsamic vinegar and some good beef stock I have frozen into ice cubes. I pour this over the whole concoction, top with a good sprig of rosemary and cover. Since I’m not making a stew, I just need enough to cook my treasure and render some tasty gravy.
While these ingredients slow cook for our delight this evening, I am preparing to grill lunch. I saw these amazing softball sized peaches at the market and just couldn’t resist (The peaches from my orchard are long gone after the squirrels and deer got more than we did this season). Lunch on the grill will consist of grilled peaches with balsamic vinegar, grilled romaine with garlic infused XVOO and balsamic vinegar, and a little grilled chicken.
While I am in denial that summer is winding down so soon, a part of me enjoys the changes each season brings to my garden. I have already planted beets, carrots, broccoli, rabe, and cauliflower. I have replanted basil and cilantro from their bolting stalks.
A good sign of the coming fall: I picked some golden delicious apples from my trees on this warm afternoon. When I sampled one, each bite tasted like a baked apple pie. I prefer golden delicious for making pies and galettes (I love galettes, they are like a quick apple pie). While I realize this apple preference statement raises all kinds of controversy in the baking world over baking apples, I believe that much like art and wine, food is about personal preferences: What's best is what you like. Not what someone tells you to like.
This change of season will bring changes to the menu at our cafes as well. I look forward to the return of our Fall seasonal offering. Hearty Turkey Chili and our wonderful Roasted Butternut Squash soup are among my favorites.
Enjoy this time of year whatever each day may bring to you and your kitchen. Put on your jacket or shorts, grab a warm or cool beverage of choice and head to your crock or your grill. Embrace and enjoy the changes to come.